Published by LOAM in ‘Flood Drafts: A Field Guide for Sensuous Repair’ 2021
Edited by Tyler Rai and Marion Storm Budwig in collaboration with Kate Weiner of LOAM.
With contributions by members of the Hungry Mothers Collective
Flood Drafts: A Field Guide to Sensuous Repair is a collection of scores, essays, artifacts, and prophecies for reconstituting an embodied commitment to this Earth, constellated by members of the Hungry Mothers in artistic partnership with Loam. This guide is meant to accompany you — in your respite, your gathering, your solitude, your practice.
Hungry Mothers is a transdisciplinary collective developing modes of artistic practice that center remedial relations with earth’s land and waters in envisioning a future of collective liberation.
Flood Drafts has an expansive origin story: emerging and taking form across multiple biospheres, regions, watersheds, and moons. We welcome slowness as we bear witness to and reflect upon these places, because we believe that our attention is a tool to guide us in relational practice. We hope this field guide takes you through portals, provides points of departure, and offers tools for sharing your own offerings and gifts. How can we reconstitute an embodied commitment to this Earth? How do we practice it daily, iteratively, alone, and together? We have learned from creosote, from mycelial networks and sweetgrass, from cultivating and composting, from bearing witness and holding space — that meanings emerge from connection and entanglement. Through this collective offering we hope to extend our reaches of support, and expand our meshwork of kin. We hope if you are moved, you come and find us.