P.O.R.C.H. Gardenbody 2019 [old post]

P.O.R.C.H. stands for Ponderosa Ongoing Research and Collaborative Happenings. P.O.R.C.H. is a sustained, immersive program, dedicated to body-based art-making since 2010.

In 2019, the P.O.R.C.H. Gardenbody Module will be facilitated by Shelley Etkin and Stephanie Maher, with several guest teachers, focusing on somatic and land-based practices. The module will study relations and intersections of body, group, land, and place — the ways in which somatic practices can overlay with ecological dynamics.


The module will propose orientations towards embodied relations of bodies and places. Artistic elements will be explored between garden and studio, across a range of temporalities and perspectives. This module invites the creation of knowledge through felt experience. Participants will address the practical, anatomical, political and imaginal elements of worlds — including worlds expanded beyond human.

To apply, please send a current Curriculum Vitae and an accompanying letter of interest, which outlines your reasons for feeling that you are well-suited to participating in PO.R.C.H. 2019, by email to porch@ponderosa-dance.de.