Planting Dreams

A Workshop with Shelley Etkin and Anna Nowicka

Planting Dreams dedicates to practicing ways of listening to beyond-human realities, experiencing the world as an interrelated whole, and taking action from information that arises in this process. By integrating work with place, land(ing) and plants (Shelley), dreams and imagery (Anna), Planting Dreams invites participants to perceive being a part of nature, continuously engaged in co-creating the world.

The workshop moves between inner and outer spaces in terms of the body and environment, the studio and the city, the material and invisible. It invites participants to notice, see, listen to and embody the living worlds growing in the concrete landscape of Warsaw. By orienting towards the presence of the plants co-habitating in this urban space, growing and expanding between the cracks Planting Dreams explores topics of connectivity, solidarity and resilience. It offers somatic practices and choreographic tools to witness this beyond-human reality, to experience being fully embedded and subconsciously communicating with nature’s processes. It employs dream work to make these relationships visible, the multiple voices heard and understood, and their calls addressed.

Image from artistic research residency hosted by Muzeum Susch/Art Station Foundation CH Arpiglias mountain range of the Engadin valley

This workshop takes place 8-10 July, 2021 at Nowy Teatr Summer Camp in Warsaw, Poland.

Many thanks for the support of a Acziun Research Residency at Muzeum Susch in Switzerland, curated by Joanna Lesnierowska in the context of Instituto Susch, a forum for feminist research programmes, conferences and publishing developed in cooperation with international scholars, academic institutions, networks and independent initiatives.