Sunday, July 25 2021
Curated by Berit Fischer at Floating University Berlin
How can we experience porous exchanges between the inner realities of our bodies and the outer environments we move through? By bringing our attention simultaneously to the waterways of our bodies and the water basin of this site, we will explore tools for perceiving felt-communication between these spheres. We will tune this through sensing into the organs of kidneys and bladder, the fluidity of the bones, the cleaning and elimination processes within ourselves. Through embodied practice, we will reflect on how these currents ripple through layers of thought, emotion, and socio-political formations. Acknowledging the toxicity of the water basin, we can question what we habitually exclude and see how detoxification and regeneration are ongoing processes within ourselves and potentially in the site of the Floating University. Through bodywork, we will move into felt-sense sculptural practice with clay from the site and together, we will also learn how to create a flower essence through encountering a particular plant blooming at the time and place of our gathering. Each participant will have the option of going home with a bottle of this co-created subtle medicine.
No previous experience is required. Please come prepared with clothes you can move comfortably in, writing materials, appropriate clothing for exposure to the weather, and a bottle of drinking water.
(Re)Gaining Ecological Futures is a week-long series of transdisciplinary affective encounters and collective engagements to critically examine and holistically activate questions of regenerative ecological futures.. How can we learn from the natural world, how to create new synthesis in our technocratic times for a more inclusive and ‘cosmo-logical’ knowing? The week shares proposals to reflect and act on how we contribute to shaping ecological inter-relations and inter-actions and critically engages with the human-centred ontology and the dualism between nature and culture. (Re-)Gaining Ecological Futures exercises and mobilises alternative imaginaries and sets of relations between multiple others in a mutually enforcing and regenerative way. It holistically connects transdisciplinary practices for the making of empowered and empowering social and more-than-human subjects.
With: Avtonomi Akadimia Athens, Andreas Bolz, Manuela Bosch, Die Boden Schafft (Martina Kolarek), Shelley Etkin, Giuliana Kiersz, Brandon LaBelle, Erika Mayr, Pallavi Paul, Carla Schulte-Fischedick (LaKunaBi), Sharon Stewart, Lin Wang
Supported by: Neu Start Kultur and Stiftung Kunstfonds