Witch Camp

The course is co-facilitated by Shelley Etkin and Aune Kallinen within the context of the Joint Studies, Theater Academy Helsinki. June 5-10, 2021 as a retreat at the Artist & Activist Meeting Place in Hangist, Finland.

This course approaches witchcraft primarily from the perspective of felt-knowledges and folk health care, concentrating on areas of witchcraft that are focused on healing and mutually supportive relationships between bodies and lands. We will learn about different elements (water, fire, air, and earth) and plants (e.g. greater plantain, alchemilla, common yarrow, juniper, nettles, fireweed, raspberry, birch). By spending time in nature (swamp, forest, pond) and in the sauna, we will hold soft frames for listening to what emerges. There will be space for exchange and unexpected encounters as we ponder and experiment with working with the unseen and how the unseen is intertwined and manifested in performances and art.